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Faculty & Staff

David Jeffrey

David Jeffrey

(403) 782-3381  x 4026

Office location: Administration


PhD Leadership, Andrews University (2016)
MBA Business Administration, Andrews University (1997)
BBA Business Administration, Wilfrid Laurier University (1995)


Dr. David Jeffrey serves as University Registrar. He has served in academic administration and as a teaching academic at Burman since 2005. The Registrar and his team serve prospects as they become students and facilitate the transformation of students into graduates through clear policies, accurate record-keeping, and quality advising. Dr. Jeffrey is also responsible for external reporting and meeting institutional research needs. Dr. Jeffrey grew up in Guelph, Ontario, before attending university in Waterloo, teaching at the University of the Southern Caribbean and Crawford Adventist Academy, and before coming west to Alberta to join Burman University. His doctoral studies examined the intersection of higher education, learning management systems, and organizational change. He is married with children and pets and enjoys worship music, walking, and racquetball
