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5 reasons to choose our Psychology Program:
• Practical experience built directly into the program
• Ease of class registration without waitlists
• Classes taught by professors (not assistants) who have real-world experience in the field of psychology
• The ability to specialize in interest areas at the undergraduate level
• A high percentage of skill-building classes
Degree Details
A quick campus aerial tour.
Faculty & Staff
Carole AndersonDirector, Psychology Program Development, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Bonita CampbellAdministrative Assistant and First Year Advisor, Faculty of Science
Heather GrettonDirector of Psychology Research
Dadria LewisChair, Psychology, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Peter OtienoDean, Faculty of Science, Professor of Chemistry
Daniel SaughAssistant Professor of Psychology, Special Assistant to the President for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
Peter WassRegistered Psychologist, Assessment and Neuropsychology, Associate Professor

My time at Burman has made me the person I am today. My psychology classes gave me the foundational knowledge to prepare for life after university. My practicum introduced me to the field of mental health and addictions as well as the homeless sector where I have based my career. I am now pursuing my Master of Counselling to continue helping others and being a light for Jesus. Burman University introduced me to many opportunities including meeting lifelong friends and my now husband.
Yemurai Taranhike
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